Episode 7 - Green Woodworking?


It seems the whole world is on a green living kick these days. How does that affect woodworkers? In this episode we visit a Parade of Homes, examine the craftsmanship of one Colorado woodworker, and do some dumpster diving.

After listening to this episode, be sure to complete the 3 survey questions in the sidebar to the right.

Show Links:
Chris McGinness - McGinness Custom Woodworks
One Big Ass Dumpster - 40-yard dumpster


David said...
December 1, 2008 at 12:19 PM  

I liked this podcast, and I do care very much about sustainability in my woodworking. But I do not feel it is the responsibility of ALL woodworkers to do so.

I have a fancy term for "dumpster diving", I call it "reversing the consumption model". I enjoy very much working with "found" wood.

The focus on "green" living only amplifies the importance of buying quality custom woodworking from responsible craftsmen. Not only because we do our part to reuse and conserve, but also because if you buy a quality product, you only have to buy it once.

Thank you for encouraging environmentally thoughtful practices.

David J. Ulschmid
~ Wisp Woods ~

Anonymous said...
December 2, 2008 at 9:35 PM  


There is no doubt that we have to be conscious of the practices that produce the wood we use.

Almost all the hardwood I use comes from reject floorboards and structural hardwood milled for the house building industry.

One of the members of the Woodwork Australia Forums has organised for us to be able to buy this wood that would otherwise be chipped and pulped (for which it is not very good). I have made all sots of projects from this wood that wasn't good enough for us to walk on!

The more we consumers adjust our buying to encourage good forestry and milling practice, the better off we all will be.

Keep up the great, thought-provoking podcasts.


Anonymous said...
November 9, 2009 at 11:57 AM  

Hey great podcast!! REally enjoy these things.

Please check out my blog (new) and give me some feedback on my new/old projects.


Anonymous said...
November 9, 2009 at 12:00 PM  

Hey great podcast!! REally enjoy these things.

Please check out my blog (new) and give me some feedback on my new/old projects.


Anonymous said...
April 21, 2010 at 8:50 AM  

Thanks!! THis is my brother! He does an amazing job, go to MCWFurniture.com to see more!

woodworking courses said...
August 21, 2011 at 1:56 PM  

I think that it is important that woodworkers such as ourselves behave environmentally reponsible when it comes to sourcing and using wood for our projects.

From buying reclaimed wood to voting through our pockets when it comes to where we buy our wood from will all continue to have a positive impact.

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